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Mindfulness and Mental Health

Having a healthy mind is an integral part of wellness and health. Mental health problems can greatly impact your physical health, functioning and quality of life. If you are struggling with your mood, please know that you are not alone and there are many resources within our community to help.


Here are some of our favourite resources:


Georgian Bay Family Health Team

Offering SAME DAY single session counselling by phone.  Call 705-444-5885 to arrange a session.


Bounce Back Ontario

A free program through the Canadian Mental Health Association providing phone support with a coach and online videos for low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress and worry.


Stronger Minds by Beacon

A free CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) digital program


Wellness Together Canada: Mental Health and Substance Use support


Open Eaves Clinic

Dr. Robyn Stark provides psychotherapy for women who experienced reproductive trauma and perinatal mental health concerns through her Open Eaves clinic.  For more information, please see her website at:



​​​​Meditation and Mindfulness
Meditation and mindfulness are incredibly important tools for keeping a healthy mind. They are also helpful for dealing with reproductive health issues. There are many apps available on your computer or phone which can help you incorporate mindfulness into your everyday life. Some of our favorites include:




Ten Percent Happier

Both their app and podcast provide meditations and lessons in mindfulness in an approachable way.




Meditation Studio by Gaiam


The Headspace Guide to… A Mindful Pregnancy
Book by Andy Puddicombe
A wonderful book regarding mindfulness and meditation through conception, infertility, miscarriage, pregnancy, birth and bringing baby home. A personal favorite of Dr. Tomas through her pregnancies!


**For information and resources specifically about postpartum depression and anxiety, please see our "Postpartum" section.**


Mental Health Resources
There are extensive community resources and places to find help if you are struggling with your mental health. These 2 documents detail the mental heath resources for adults and youth in the South Georgian Bay area.​​

Coping with Depression during pregnancy and following birth

A free cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) guide developed by the BC Reproductive Mental Health Program.

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