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Pap Test Screening and HPV

Cervical cancer screening with pap tests is an important preventative part of women's reproductive health. We now understand much more about cervical cancer and the human papilloma virus, which causes most cases of cervical cancer. Please see the links below for more information about pap test screening, HPV and the HPV vaccine.


HPV Info
An excellent website from the SOGC regarding HPV and pap test screening.


Ontario Cervical Cancer Screening Program







AAP: How to Talk to your Preteen about the HPV vaccine

A helpful website from the American Academy of Pediatrics regarding talking to your kids about the HPV vaccine they will receive through the school based vaccination program.


GOC: HPV information video

The Gynecologic Oncologists of Canada have made a helpful video explaining all you need to know about HPV, the vaccine and how to protect yourself.



If you have an abnormal pap test, you may be referred to a colposcopy clinic. Dr. O'Toole runs a colposcopy clinic in the ambulatory care section of the hospital on Tuesdays and Dr. Tomas sees patients for colposcopy on Thursdays in our office at the Shipyards Medical Centre. Cell changes found through pap tests are very rarely cancerous, but do require follow-up testing.


Society of Canadian Colposcopists

Drs. Tomas and O'Toole are both members of the SCC and they have some excellent videos and handouts on a variety of HPV topics, including what will happen during a colposcopy visit.


Cancer Care Ontario handout on Abnormal Pap Test results






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